“Bhanabhai Dahyabhai Gohil Vidhyalaya” is located in the outskirts of Navsari on lush green lawns. The school has Kinder Garten (KG), Primary Education , Secondary Education and Higher Secondary Education facilities. The school will have the capacity of house 3000 students on completion of project.
The school is a Ground floor and two storey structure with 42 classe-rooms and 12 other ancillary rooms. The class-rooms are large, well ventilated and airy to provide full comfort to the students.The school has full-fledged laboratory facilities for conducting Physics, Chemistry and Biology practicals.Computer education is given from Primary level. The school has an Auditorium which can house 2000 students at a time.
The formal launching of the project was ceremoniously announced on October 10, 1999. The actual construction started on Feb. 17, 2000 with the challenging target to inaugurate the school in June 2000. With shear determination and hard work, the goal was ultimately achieved on June 25, 2000.