Bhanabhai Dahyabhai Gohil Vidhyalaya is located in the outskirts of Navsari on lush green lawns. The school has Kinder Garten (KG), Primary Education , Secondary Education and Higher Secondary Education facilities. The school will have the capacity of house 3000 students on completion of project.
The school is a Ground floor and two storey structure with 42 classe-rooms and 12 other ancillary rooms. The class-rooms are large, well ventilated and airy to provide full comfort to the students.The school has full-fledged laboratory facilities for conducting Physics, Chemistry and Biology practicals. Computer education is given from Primary lavel. The management plans to equip the school with an Auditorium to house 2000 students at a time.Large playground enables the students to play various out door games. Special care is taken by the trust to employ young and dedicated teachers with excellent academic career to teach students. Within very short span the school has earned the reputation as Model School.
The formal launching of the project was ceremoniously announced on October 10, 1999. The actual construction started on Feb. 17, 2000 with the challenging target to inaugurate the school in June 2000. With shear determination and hard work, the goal was ultimately achieved on June 25, 2000. The school was inaugurated at the August hands of Hon. Shri Mangubhai Patel, Minister for Tribal Welfare, Gujarat State.
Since most of the students come from slum areas or from poor families, they are observed with mal-nutrition. The school provides the children of Kinder Garten with free milk everyday to counter mal-nutrition problems.
Cultural Activities and various programs are conducted round the year to keep all round interest of students other than studies. The school has also formed Interact Club of B D Gohil Vidyalaya, sponsored by Rotary Club of Navsari Round Town, to promote social activities for the benefit of local community.
Why Should you help the school
The school is non-granted and does not receive any financial or other aid from the Government.But government accept for the high secondry science stream which is granted. The education in KG section, Primary section and in Secondary section is provided at affordable fees. Hence there is heardly income from the fee. The management has planned to set up a corpus to meet day to day expenses. The interest of this corpus will meet the administrative expenses, salary expenses and other expanses of school.
Since education is provided free of cost, it is a boon for the those poor children who otherwise would have been compelled to leave studies and their future might have been ruined. The Free education has provide them the opportunity to be part of the advanced and highly qualified people.